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A member registered Mar 08, 2020

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I just started the game, the character creator alone is so fucking good. For real it’s rare to see something with such depth of options.

I'll write this as i go through the game, it definitely look promising even before starting. The idea of playing as a  girl experimenting things is really something i value, that's why i loved casual desires (i think it was the title?) So some diversity in the genre is always welcomed

Anita looks very cool, but somehow the stepdad looks weird to me, just personnal opinion, maybe it has something to do with his eyes i'd say ? Idk, you're the boss anyway. After further observation, thats probably his eyes orientation, his mouth and the side parts of his goatie. Purely personnal once again

Renders so far look pretty convincing, shots are well made from both perspective, expressions as well.

Switching between povs is a good idea, but maybe to frequent (i take in account it's a pre-game tho, so don't take it harshly) ? It kinda breaks the flow, not sure if i'm clear. I realize this would probably be more work but the ability to play both might be a good idea ? Tho kinda hard if she has adventures on her own. Meh idk, or set as an option maybe ? (Thats probably because i dont like his face). Making stranger intervene in the story is realy good so I'd keep that for the future. How far you take this idea is up to you and the amount of possibilities you provide anita with.

Another remark concerning the story, once again i know its not the definitive game, but the esclation in teasing straight from the start seems very fast. Which, in a way, kinda breaks a bit the immersion. Now i know some people will probably like it, just a personnal preference, especially in the context on teasing and experimenting. After the last sequence, it confirms that it kinda escalated even quickier x) but i suppose the rythm will change in a complete game

Purely QoL change, more save slots for each page would be appreciated as someone who saves a looooooot

Maybe find some background, ambiant sounds or something, music maybe ? As long as it's not overly cliché sexy time music. I've played lots of renpy games with pretty good music that were the same throughout the games so idk if renpy provides a list of free music in its dev tool, i'll let you decide on that.

Conclusion : 

Good characters, anita is cool but maybe escalating too fas. I dont like daddys face sadly. Scenes are greatly rendered (maybe some difficulties in rendering the car in the forest ? Not sure and who cares this shot wasnt important anyway)

the concept of experimenting from the view of the girl is something i'm REALY looking forward too since i dont think i've seen that too often, (bt if you know any title of the same concept i'd glasly try them)

realy looking forward to what you will do with that. I dont usually write comments that long but i wanted to write my opinion as precisely as possible if it can be of any help. Hopefully my remarks didn't appear too harsh, english isnt my main language bit i tried to be as factual and stated where it was purely my opinion. Anyway i had a really great time even though it was short. I'll be sure to leave a good rating if that can bring new people to support you (patreon is sadly out of question for me since i have no stable income). I realy hope you'll continue working on this project

Take care 

while i'm impatiently waiting for new releases, your well being and health come first. Take care of yourself, the game realy made me feel better when i discovered it, you deserve to feel good aswell. Can't financailly support the game, sadly. But you do have all my support

also taking some rest now might mean doing something even better when you work on it later :)

Very good game, seeing the progression in each character is interesting. The choices given have a great impact without feeling limiting.

loved it

Well fuck that's such a good game even without the sex scenes, i love the story so much. 

Also, damn Kath is just the best and she looks so good

Probably in my top 5 adult game so far

Reporting a mistake in the text i think

Ljijana refers to cynthia as cynthia and not elisabeth during task force story, after meeting agent lisa